Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hurrah is NOT just for kids!

I had not done any theatre since high school ( 1996 was my graduation year) when I auditioned for Hurrah's "Beauty and the Beast" in 2005. I was SO nervous that I could barely keep my handwriting legible on the audition form. What made me even more nervous was that nearly everyone in the audition hall was oh, about 15 years younger than I was! I remember Lisa Wallace was sitting at the table, ( of course I didn't know her then) and there was a video camera present ( because Hugh was out of town and needed to see the auditioners) and someone was in the background holding up a stick with a picture of Hugh's face on it. As soon as I saw that, I knew that I had to be a part of Hurrah!

In two years, I participated in nine productions with Hurrah, I was also able to take part in a lot of "extra" performances and showcases. I attended the adult tap class ( holy cow is tap HARD) and the musical theatre class ( so fun) as well . My two favorite shows were "Peter Pan" ( I was a Pirate) and "You Ain't Nothing But a Werewolf" ( done in the Blackbox Theatre). By the time I did "Peter Pan", I was so comfortable with the incredible staff and actors at Hurrah, that everything was fun and all the nerves were gone! It was such an honor and a treat to enjoy myself on stage while being surrounded by amazing friends who became a family to me!

My husband and I ( and baby on the way) had to transfer across the country and leave Hurrah after my short time with everyone. During my last show, "Aladdin", the entire cast and crew threw a baby shower for us....on stage at the Roper during front of the entire unsuspecting audience. It was then that I knew that I would forever be a part of the "Hurrafia".

Gina Adrover