Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What does Hurrah mean to me?

I started at the Hurrah Players When I was 5 years old. I was very shy and I didn't know anybody. I started with the Hurrah camp in the summer and then went into the class called Broadway Babes and my teacher was Mrs. Co Harrison. I started to open myself up to everyone and made some great friends, which I might add, are still great friends today. My first show was "Cinderella" and I was a mouse. I had a great time, and since then I know what I want to do when I graduate from High School. I kept auditioning after that and kept taking classes, and I have learned so much. i have been given so many opportunities with the roles I have been cast in. Hurrah basically is my home. My friends here are my family. Big kudos to my Maw-maw for giving me my start here, she sent me to camp, to my mom for supporting me with everything and to Hugh Copeland, who has given me so many great opportunities, great direction and advice. He is my hero and an incredible role model.

Schuyler Midgett

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